
Realtor Roy Widing

Roy is a lifelong Willamette Valley resident and full time Oregon Realtor since 1988. He specializes in Oregon seller financing transactions and is co-owner of Certified Realty, a family-owned and operated real estate firm since 1950.


For those who enjoy reading about our region, Roy also enjoys providing some historical perspective about Oregon’s past.


Roy Talks About Oregon’s Willamette Valley
Each part of Oregon offers unique features.  But the wonderful thing about Oregon’s Willamette Valley is that no matter where you are, it’s not far from another very different place.

Do you like rivers, lots of green, plenty of cultural attractions, and jobs with still-manageable commutes?  You’ll find them all abundantly in the Willamette Valley.

Love the beach?  Just 90 minutes from the Willamette Valley.

Appreciate mountains & skiing?  90 minutes from the Willamette Valley.

How about the desert?   90 minutes from the Willamette Valley.

Life Is A Bit Different Here
While Oregonians tend to share similar traits, such as an appreciation for nature, look closer and you’ll notice differences.  Visit parts of our state and you may detect a bit of a ‘coastal’ mindset, an ‘eastern Oregon’ mindset, and what might be called a ‘Willamette Valley’ mindset.  This even translates into the political arena, where eastern Oregonians often vote much differently than citizens here in western Oregon.

The pace is also a tad faster here in the Willamette Valley compared to other areas of Oregon, particularly around our more urban areas.  For example, after selling the Willamette Valley property of a client, I asked why he was leaving to move near the town of Joseph in eastern Oregon.  He simply replied:  ‘Things are a lot slower on the other side of the Cascades.’

Thinking about selling your Oregon property?  Contact me at Roy@CertifiedRealty.com or use the convenient contact form below.